Our whole menu is planned based on resource productivity and to minimize wastage.
We use the same products in many of our dishes and use all parts of the vegetables we buy.
We also use our fruits more than one time by making, for example, our own lime cordial for the cocktails. We also use our own possible wastage for our zero-waste bowl and sell ingredients through Resque -app.
Most of the wastage comes from the plate of a customer. We recommend taking the rest of the meal with you if you happen to get full before your plate is empty. All our take away packages are biodegradable.
In this time of climate crisis, all our choices affect the future of our planet. 60 % of the world’s greenhouse emissions come from animal manufacturing, even though it produces only 18% of the calories in our global diet. Plant-based protein is always the more climate-friendly option. Our mission is to offer food that is best for us and our planet.
We still want more concrete actions on climate talk.
We are counting our carbon footsteps with professionals and are about to publish the information in autumn 2022.
A plant-based diet is not only good for the climate but for the environment too. The Baltic Sea is dear to us and we are participating to maintain its protection and rescue by being a part of the Supermarsu Baltic Sea Patrol.
One of our central values is animal rights, all life forms are close to our hearts. Animals are to be treated well and to enable a free life for them. In mass-produced animal manufacturing, this is obviously impossible. 60 % of the animals on our planet are for meat or milk production, and only 4 % are wildlife. The easiest way to protect our animals is to leave them out of your plate.
It’s amazing how much vegetarianism and veganism have been rising for the last few years, of course, because of the climate but also because of the concern about our wildlife. But we still have much to do! Everybody wins when omnivores don’t have to give up the taste by choosing plant-based options.
Towards a vegan world, bite by bite!
Junk y Vegan is an independent company. By eating in our restaurants, customers straightly advance the development of the plant-based revolution.
We use the profits of our sales to expand the chain, by opening new places. Product development is an always ongoing project for us. We believe that omnivores are more likely to choose the plant-based option when the choices are tastier and more versatile. When visiting our restaurant you don’t have to worry about your money to go to animal manufacturing companies.
Emma, Tiltu, Ansu, Fia, Maiju, Jere, Maarit, Ville, Daryl, Tan, Veikko
We follow all the principles of a responsible employer. In our strategy workers are the number one resource. We want to offer competitive staff benefits, our salaries are over the average level and we pertain to all statutory organizations. Our company makes it possible for staff to exercise and experience cultural events for free. As a team, we collect good energy from each other and take care of everyone. We stand by the employers, making a difference in the working culture in our field, to make the restaurant industry more attractive and sustainable. For us, it is important to discuss things openly and we promise to fix things that we find not right.
Our endeavor is to use domestic products as much as possible. Of course, we can’t buy all the ingredients from Finland, but every time we find a new vegan product from domestic producers, we try it! For example, seitan is impossible to get as a fully Finnish product since we don’t produce gluten here. We use Finnish herbs and vegetables we buy from nearby farms in the seasonal variety. We favor smallholders in every aspect.
Koko Junkyn menu on suunniteltu resurssitehokkuuden ja hävikin minimoimmin näkökulmasta. Ruokalista on rakennettu miettien, miten voimme käyttää samoja raaka-aineita mahdollisimman monissa annoksissamme, ja miten saamme esimerkiksi kasvien kaikki osat mahdollisimman hyvin käyttöön. Aquafabassamme käytettävä kikherneen liemi tulee kanssamme yhteistyötä tekevistä ravintoloista – me siis muutamme konkreettisesti muiden hävikin uusiksi herkuiksi!