JUNKY LIVE PE 29.11. KLO 20:00 | Chico Muya
Läpi loppuvuoden pimenevien perjantai-iltojen iloksi saamme nauttia upeista keikoista Junkyssa.
Chico Muya
is a talented South African singer songwriter.
His electric stage presence, in combination with his uplifting warm-songs, has been entertaining audiences for as long as he’s been on stage.
is a talented South African singer songwriter.
His electric stage presence, in combination with his uplifting warm-songs, has been entertaining audiences for as long as he’s been on stage.
Chico moved to Helsinki 5 years ago and he has slowly begun winning the hearts of the Finnish people: from appearing on shows like The Voice to performing in venues all around Finland. He mostly sings his own songs, while throwing in a few covers he enjoys.
His sound is a happy mix of folk and pop, greatly inspired by the likes of Ed Sheeran, Leon Bridges and Dave Matthews. Chico’s ability to connect with the audience, has solidified him as an upcoming artist to keep an eye on.
Tule nauttimaan upeasta musiikista, maukkaasta ruoasta ja rennosta tunnelmasta Junkyyn.